Alltime digital timer pkge 4" Bell to 130db Sirens

Digital timer 4 inch Bell : $300  
  including Digital timer, with 3-metre cord and 3 pin plug, programmed to use, and Post Satchel delivery - Suits big Office or small to medium work areas. Not yet 10% GST. Notice: All separate If you want help to connect cable please add Alltime service
Digital timer 6 inch Bell : $360  
  including Digital timer, with 3-metre cord and 3 pin plug, programmed to use, and Post Satchel delivery - Suitable for large areas. Not yet 10% GST. Notice: All separate If you want help to connect cable please add Alltime service
Alltime timer 105db Siren : $360  
  including Digital timer, 240V Steel motorized 105db Siren, 3-metre cord and 3 pin power plug, programmed to use, and Post Satchel delivery - Suitable for large work areas. Not yet 10% GST. Notice: All separate If you want help to connect cable please add Alltime service
Alltime timer 130db Siren : $520  
  including Digital timer, 240V Steel motorized 130db Siren, 3-metre cord and 3 pin plug, programmed to use, and Post Satchel delivery - Suitable for Orchards, Football ovals, Schools and big factories. Not yet 10% GST. Notice: All separate If you want help to connect cable please add Alltime service
Alltime service : $80  
  including To conect and wire product together ready just plug in to use ( Digital timer connect to the bell or Digital timer connect to the sirren )
Main Features:
240V - 89db
For Smoko, Lunch time. Start, Finish etc
Direct towards center of Office or small shed
3 - 30 seconds duration
Up to 280 rings weekly
For wall-mounting
3 pin plug-in assembly
Alltime digital timer pkge 4"  Bell to 130db Sirens
Alltime digital timer pkge 4"  Bell to 130db Sirens